The legal nature of the functioning of the baby box in Russia and in the world

  • Пурге Анна Роландовна

    Anna R. Purge. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. The subject of the study in the article is the significance of the use of baby box in the context of the realization of the constitutional right of the child to life. The 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child establishes the obligation of each member State to ensure the maximum possible degree of children survival on their territory. Russia, being to this day a party to this Convention, asell as other international legal acts, has undertaken obligations to bring its national legislation into line with international principles and regulations in the field of protection of the rights and interests of the child. The purpose of the work is to analyse the basic technical and legal principles of the func-
tioning of baby boxes in various countries of the world, including Russia. The methodological basis of this study is represented by a set of such methods of scientific cognition of objective legal reality, applied during preparation and writing, as: universal dialectical, logical, statistical, comparative legal and formal legal. The result of the work is the presented criteria for justification the technical and legal conditions of application and functioning of baby boxes. The conclusions obtained, taking into account the analysis of the historical and comparative development of the relations under consideration, can serve as a basis for making changes to the current Russian legislation.
Keywords: child, right to life, parent, anonymity, baby box, newborn murder, adoption, foster family, functioning, application, legislation
